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Our business is to help you with any aspect of communicating that involves being On Your Feet. You might need help with your all-important one minute pitch or maybe you have to prepare and deliver a killer presentation. We like to think that we are a bit different from other training companies. Why? Well, while we believe that theory is important we place much more emphasis on getting on your feet and just doing it. Each attendee on our workshops is videoed and receives one to one feedback.

Half Day 60 Second Pitch

This workshop will give you the skills, techniques and confidence to make the very best impression of you and who you represent. It is a masterclass in developing and delivering your 60 second pitch. Many people struggle to say what they do and why they do it better than their competitors in just 60 seconds. We use a proven structure to help put together the pitch and then focus on getting you on your feet several times to practice delivering it with maximum impact.

Full Day Presentation Skills

It also gives you opportunities to see yourself on video so you can appreciate how others see you. This is really helpful if you present regularly, have a significant event on the horizon or intend to put video on your website. While we cover essential theory we do not dwell on it for too long as we give you a comprehensive manual containing all the notes. We prefer to focus on getting you on your feet as often as possible. You will be videoed presenting at the beginning and end of the day. There will be additional opportunities to be on your feet briefly and more informally throughout the day.

1 to 1 Coaching

So you have to speak in public and would like to improve how you come across. You may already be a proficient speaker, or not, but have a special event where you need to perform at your best. It could be at a conference, golf club, wedding, networking event, award ceremony, sales pitch - anywhere! You need a bit of extra help but have your own reasons for not wanting to attend a formal workshop. We can work with you one to one. We will help create your presentation from scratch or fine-tune what you have done so far. We have a Microsoft Certified Trainer to give you that extra help and advice on PowerPoint best practice as well as some really nifty tips and tricks.

Pimp your Pitch

It is designed for those who are too busy to take even a half day out of the work environment. You will get elevator pitch training to help you sell yourself in any environment. The morning begins with a continental breakfast and a half hour for informal networking. Then it is down to the business of creating an effective 60 second elevator pitch using a proven 3 part structure. During this fast-moving practical 2 hour session you will be up on your feet several times. There will be opportunities to practice your pitch in a safe environment. This happens 1 to 1 and in small groups - we save the presenting in front of large groups to the 1 day workshop!

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