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Need some career direction? Is your CV selling you short? Need help preparing for interview Do you know what careers you are best suited to? WHO ARE WE? Fully qualified, professional career coaches for both adults and students. WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? Assessment for for career suitability CV review and writing Interview preparation Career coaching sessions


At The Career Hub, we provide the only online assessment in the world that accurately assesses your personality, values, interests, skills and aptitudes and scientifically matches them to the five career areas you are best suited to based on that.


Career Coaching is a confidential, professional process that helps you look objectively at where you are now in your career, clarify where you want to go and put a plan in place to help you get there. It is a task and solution focused. A career coach provides the time, support, attention and skill to enable you to make career-related decisions and manage career related issues. The ultimate aim of Career Coaching is to empower people within their working lives.


Are you getting called for interview? If yes, that’s great! If not, it’s because your CV isn’t hitting the mark. It’s said that your CV has about 30 seconds to make an impression on a future employer. It’s also said that it can take up to six hours to write a CV that makes a good impression. Now you may think six hours is excessive, but how much thought and time do you spend on constructing your CV? We’ve reviewed hundreds of CVs during our years in recruitment and we know what employers look for.

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